Plants & animals both required food for; air & water for the maintenance & breeding of a cell. Each has to be supplied to the cell of the body in a right quantity .
The transport of material in plants is carried out by the vascular tissue.
A)Vascular Tissue :
There are 2 types of vascular tissues found in plants
B) Transportation of water, minerals & food :
C) Traspiration pulls :
D) Ascent of sap :
E) Translocation :
The process of loss of water in the form of vapours through the aerial parts of the plant is called transpiration.
In higher animals, digested food, gases & waste material are carried by blood. Blood flows through a network of tubes, which are called blood vessles & form a system known as circulatory system.
It consist of heart, blood vessels & the blood.
1) RBC (Red Blood Corpuscles) :
2) WBC (White Blood Corpuscles) :
3) Plasma :
4) Platelets :
The process of removing waste from the body is called excretion
Several organs of body is involved in the process of excretion –
Chemical waste like urea are excreted by urinary system & skin.The excretory system in human beings consists of the following organs:
1) Urinary system or Excretory system :
a) Kidneys :
In our body there is a pair of kidneys located in the abdomen, one each on either side of the vertebral column. Each kidney is brick red in colour and bean-shaped.
It weighs about 150 g and is about 12 cm in length, 6 cm in width and 3 cm in thickness
b) Uterers :
The ureters are two thin-walled, urine carrying ducts. A ureter originates from each kidney and is about 30 cm in length. The ureters run downward and open into the urinary bladder
c) Urinary Bladder :
It is a bag-like structure in which urine is stored. Its size and position varies with the amount of urine it contains.
d) Urethra :
The urethra is the duct which finally discharges urine from the body
2) Function of Kidney
3) Skin :
Q.1 Name the two tissues of plants which transport materials.
Q.2 What are the lower chambers of the heart called?
Q.3 Where are nephrons found in human body?
Q.4 Name the liquid part of the blood.
Q.5 Where is the dirty blood of our body filtered?
Q.6 Which muscular organ pumps blood around the blood vessels?
Q.7 Which ventricle receives blood from left auricle?
Q.8 Why is blood needed by all parts of the body?
Q.9 List the human excretory organs.
Q.10 State two vital functions of kidney.
Q.11 Why is transpiration important for plants?
Q.12 What is blood?
Q.13 State four functions of blood.
Q.14 State four differences between arteries and veins.
Q.15 What are capillaries? Why do they have thin walls?
Q.16 Write the components of blood. What are the functions of blood?
Q.1 The process by which a plant loses water through the stomata is called -
(A) Excretion (B) Transpiration
(C) Respiration (D) Sweating
Q.2 Urea is a waste produced in the process of the breaking down of -
(A) Protein (B) Fats
(C) Carbohydrate (D) Sugar
Q.3 The smallest functional unit of kidney is -
(A) Nephron (B) Capillary
(C) Urethra (D) Ureter
Q.4 Which component of blood helps in clotting ?
(C) Platelets (D) Plasma
Q.5 The opening of urinary bladder is known as -
(A) Nephron (B) Urethra
(C) Ureter (D) Nephridia
Q.6 The cause of wilting of plant is -
(A) More absorption
(B) More transpiration
(C) Low respiration
(D) None
Q.7 Blood from the lungs enter the heart through the -
(A) Pulmonary artery
(B) Arota
(C) Pulmonary vein
(D) Venacava
Q.8 Pumping station of blood is -
(A) Heart (B) Auricle
(C) Blood vessel (D) Ventricle
Q.9 Bean shaped excretory organ of human is -
(A) Kidney (B) Urethra
(C) Ureter (D) Urinary bladder
Q.10 It transport the water & minerals from root to leaves in plants -
(A) Xylem (B) Cambium
(C) Phloem (D) Stomata
Q.11 In plants excess amount of carbon dioxide ascaps through the -
(A) Stomata (B) Phloem
(C) Xylem (D) Cambium
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C
5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A
9. A 10. A 11. A
1. Which of these has a closed type of circulatory system ?
(A) Cockroach (B) Fish (C) Scorpion (D) Mollusc
2. Signle heart circuit occurs in :
(A) Fishes (B) Forgs (C) Reptiles (D) Man
3. Four chambered heart is found in :
(A) Cobra (B) Tortoise (C) Salamander (D) Crocodile
4. Right atrium of mammalian heart receives blood from :
(A) Sinus venosus (B) Pulmonary veins (C) Precavals (D)Pre-and postcavals
5. Mitral valve in mammals guards the opening between :
(A) Right atrium and right ventricle (B) Left atrium and left ventricle (C) Right atrium and left ventricle (D) Left atrium and right ventricle
6. Tricuspid valve is present between :
(A) Right atrium and ventricle (B) The two atria
(C) The two ventricles (D) Left atrium and ventricle
7. Eustachian valve is found in :
(A) Middle ear (B) Internal ear (C) Left ventricle of heart (D) Right auricle of heart
8. Heart is covered by :
(A) Peritoneum (B) Pleural membrane (C) Pericardium (D) Visceral membrane
9. Mitral valve connects :
(A) Left atrium and left ventricle (B) Left atrium and right ventricle
(C) Right atrium and left ventricle (D) Right atrium and right ventricle
10. Which of the following has the thickest walls ?
(A) Right ventricle (B) Left ventricle (C) Right auricle (D) Left auricle
11. Pacemaker influences :
(A) Contraction of pelvis (B) Hearbeat rate
(C) Flow of blood in heart (D) Contraction of heart muslces
12. The pacemaker of heart is :
(A) AV node (B) SA node (C) SV node (D) Tricuspid valve
13. Role of pacemaker is to :
(A) Increase heartbeat (B) Decrease heartbeat (C) Initiate heartbeat (D) Control blood supply to heart
14. Contraction of right ventricle pumps blood into
(A) Dorsal aorta (B) Pulmonary artery (C) Pulmonary vein (D) Coronary artery
15. Pacemaker is situated in heart :
(A) In the wall of right atrium (B) On the interauricular septum
(C) On interventicular septum (D) In the wall of left atrium
16. The impulse of heartbeat originates from :
(A) SA node (B) Vagus nerve
(C) AV node (D) Cardiac nerve
17. The heart of a healthy man beats normally per minute:
(A) 85-90 times (B) 80-90 times (C) 70-80 times (D) 60-70 times
18. Systole causes :
(A) Entry of blood into lungs (B) Entry of blood into heart
(C) Exit of blood from heart (D) Exit of blood from ventricles
19. Haemoglobin is :
(A) Vitamin (B) Skin pigment (C) Respir atory pigment (D) Carbohydrate
20. 'Dupp' sound is produced during closure of :
(A) Semilunar valves (B) Biscuspid valve (C) Tricuspid valve (D) Both (B) and (C)
21. Typical 'lubb-dupp' sounds heard during heartbeat are due to :
(A) Closing of bicuspid and tricupid valves
(B) Closing of semilunar valves
(C) Blood under pressure through aorta
(D) Closure of bicuspid-tricuspid valves followed by semilunar valves
22. The instrument used to hear heart sound is :
(A) Electrocardiograph (B) Sphygmomanometer
(C) Stethoscope (D) Haemometer
23. In adult man, normal BP is :
(A) 100/80 mm Hg (B) 120/80 mm Hg (C) 100/120 mm Hg (D) 80/120 mm Hg
24. The instrument by which BP of man is determined :
(A) Ultrasound (B) BP meter (C) Stethoscope (D) Sphygmomanometer
25. William Harvey is known for discovery of :
(A) Blood circulation (B) Blood clotting (C) Respiration (D) Digestion
26. Mammals are said to have double circulation. It means :
(A) Blood vessels are paired
(B) There are two types of blood vessels attachedto every organ
(C) There are two systems, one from the heart to the lungs and back to hte rest of the body (D) The blood circulates twice through the heart
27. In mammals, veins differs from arteries in having :
(A) Thicker walls (B) Deeply present
(C) Carry blood away from heart (D) Internal valves
28. Oxygenated blood returns from lungs to the heart through :
(A) Coronary vein (B) Pulmonary vein (C) Coronary artery (D) Pulmonary artery
29. The smallest blood vessel in the body is :
(A) Capillary (B) Artery (C) Vein (D) Vena cava
30 Arteries carry oxygenated blood except :
(A) Pulmonary (B) Cardiac (C) Hepatic (D) Systemic
31. Water will be absorbed by root hair when :
(A) Concentration of solutes in the cell sap is high (B) Plant is rapidly respiring
(C) They are separated from soil by permeable membrane
(D) Concentration of salts in the soil is high
32. Which one of the following is connected with transport of water in plants?
(A) Phloem (B) Xylem (C) Epidermis (D) Cambium
33. If the cut end of a tree is put in eosin solution
(A) Leaves remain fresh but ascent of sap stops
(B) Phloem gets coloured because of ascent of sap
(C) Xylem elements get stained showing ascent of sap through them
(D) Ascent of sap stops
34. The principal pathways by which water is translocated in angiosperms is :
(A) Xylem vessel system (B) Xylem and phloem
(C) Sieve tubes members of phloem (D) Sieve cells of phloem
35. The carbohydrate synthesized in the leaves are transported through sieve tubes most commonly in the form of
(A) Glucose (B) Triose (C) Sucrose (D) Soluble starch
36. Which of the following contributes most to transport of water from the ground to the leaves of a tall tree?
(A) Breakdown of ATP
(B) Cohesion of water and transpiration pull
(C) Root pressure
(D) Capillary rise of water in xylem
37. Due to low atmospheric pressure the rate of transpiration will
(A) Increase (B) Decrease slowly
(C) Decrease rapidly (D) Remain unaffected
38. The transpiration in plants will be lowest
(A) When there is high humidity in the atmosphere
(B) There is excess of water in the cell
(C) Environmental conditions are very dry
(D) High wind velocity
39. Rate of transpiration in a dorsiventral leaf is
(A) Greater at the upper surface (B) Greater at the lower surface
(C) Equal at both the surfaces (D) None of the above
40. Which of the following is not a function of transpiration?
(A) Excretion of minerals (B) Cooling of leaves
(C) Uptake of water (D) Uptake of minerals
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D
5. B 6. A 7. D 8. C
9. A 10. B 11. B 12. B
13. C 14. B 15. A 16. A
17. C 18. B 19. C 20. A
21. D 22. C 23. B 24. D
25. A 26. C 27. D 28. B
29. A 30. A 31. A 32. B
33. C 34. A 35. C 36. B
37. A 38. A 39. B 40. A
Section - A
· Fill in the blanks
1. ____________ cells are non-nucleated.
2. ____________ is a pigment which carries oxygen.
3. ____________ help in clotting of blood
4. The artery which carries deoxygenated blood is ____________.
5. The vein which carries oxygenated blood is ____________.
6. Sponges and hydra do not possess ____________.
7. A group of cells specialised to perform a specific function forms a ____________.
8. ____________ force makes the water rise up in the stem.
9. Transpiration in plants is a similar to _______________in human beings
10. ____________helps in removal of nitrogenous waste from blood in human beings.
Section - B
· True or False
1. Roots of plants conduct water by the process of diffusion.
2. Xylem vessels transport food material in plants.
3. Root hairs decrease the rate of absorption.
4. Urine is excreted through urethra.
5. Some animals do not possess blood.
6. Due to cold the skin turns blue.
7. Haemoglobin imparts red colour to the blood.
8. Dialysis is the process of artificial filteration of blood.
9. Normally veins carry deoxygenated blood.
10. Photosynthesis takes place in non-green plants.
Section - A
· Very short answer questions (1 mark each)
1. How is heart beat measured by doctors ?
2. Why are arteries thick walled whereas capillaries are thin walled ?
3. Why is pumping of blood by heart referred to as double circulation ?
4. “Transpiration is the price paid by plants for photosynthesis” Explain.
5. Can a person survive with one kidney ?
6. Why do plants wilt during transpiration ?
7. Why are root hairs present in plants ?
8. Capillaries are thin walled. Why?
9. What is the role of transpiration in plants?
10. Write down functions of WBCs in human body.
Section - B
· Short answer questions (2 marks each)
1. Define
(i) Plasma (ii) Corpuscles
2. Give one function of :
(i) Red blood cells (ii) White blood cells (iii) Platelets
3. How does blood regulate the body temperature of body ?
4. Name the blood vessels which carry: (i) Pure blood (ii) Impure blood.
5. Define double circulation.
6. Why in severe winters, the skin turns blue?
7. Why are white patches seen on the clothes in summer season?
8. How does sweating produce cooling?
9. What is heart beat?
10. Give differences between arteries and veins.
Section - C
· Long answer questions (5 marks each)
1. Write and explain the components of blood.
2. Explain osmosis with regard to sugar solution.
3. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of excretory system.
4. Draw a neat diagram to show the condition of a plant when :
(a) transpiration is least.
(b) transpiration is normal.
(c) transpiration is in excess.
5. “Plants need both oxygen as well carbon dioxide, but both are included as waste”. Comment.
Section - A
· MCQ’s with one option correct
1. The blood cells which transport oxygen are :
(A) RBC’s (B) WBC’s (C) Blood platelets (D) Blood plasma.
2. The blood cells, which help in blood clotting are :
(A) RBC’s (B) WBC’s (C) Blood platelets (D) Blood plasma.
3. The blood vessels which constitute the circulatory system are :
(A) Arteries only (B) Veins only (C) Capillaries only (D) All of these.
4. The number of chambers present in human heart are :
(A) 2 (B)3 (C) 4 (D) 6.
5. The blood vessel which carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs is known as:
(A) Pulmonary vein (B) Pulmonary artery (C) Aorta (D) Vena cava.
6. In which side of heart, pure blood is found
(A) Right (B) Left (C) Both of above (D) None of these
7. Nitrogenous waste of human being is
(A) Urea (B) Ammonia (C) Uric acid (D) None of these
8. Thinest blood vessels is
(A) Arteries (B) Veins (C) Capillaries (D) Both (A) and (B)
9. Vascular tissues in plants include
(A) Xylem (B) Phloem (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) Stomata
10. Excretory organs are
(A) Kidney (B) Lungs (C) Skin (D) All of these
Section -B
· One word or one sentence answers
1. Blood vessels which carry oxygenated blood.
2. Blood component which helps in clotting.
3. Blood vessels which carry blood to heart.
4. Instrument used to measure blood pressure.
5. End products of photosynthesis.
6. Waste gas formed during respiration.
7. Conduction of water and food by plants is through.
8. Membrane which allows only one kind of molecules to pass.
9. Loss of water as water vapours from plants.
10. Number of beats of heart per minute.
Section - C
· Match the Column
1. Column I Column II
(A) Chlorophyll (P) Xylem
(B) Green colour of leaves (Q) Haemoglobin
(C) Transportation of water (R) Chlorophyll
(D) Cells which fight against germs (S) absorb sunlight
(E) Red colour of blood (T) Plasma
(F) Liquid part of blood (U) White blood cells
1. Red blood 2. Haemoglobin
3. Platelets 4. Pulmonary artery 5. Pulmonary vein
6. Blood 7. Tissue
8. Transpiration pull 9. Sweating 10. Kidney
Section - B
1. [t] 2. [F] 3. [F] 4. [T] 5. [T]
6. [T] 7. [T] 8. [T] 9. [T] 10. [F]
Section - A
1. (A) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (B)
6. (B) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (C) 10. (D)
Section - B
1. Arteries 2. Platelets 3. Vein
4. Sphygnomano metre 5. Glucose, O2 6. CO2
7. Vascular tissues 8. Semi-permeable membrane
9. Transpiration 10. 72
Section - C
1. (A-S), (B-R), (C-P), (D-U), (E-Q), (F-T)