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                                                                                    Getting To Know Plants


 Plants are living things which grow in the soil and remain fixed at a place through their roots.

Classification of Plants
Plants can be classified into various categories depending on various features.

On the basis of flower
Flowering also called Angiosperms: Sun flower, Rose, tomato
Non- Flowering also called Gymnosperms: Pines,ferns,mosses.
On the basis of their

Size, Type of Stem, spread of branch, plants are classified into 3 categories:
•  Herbs
•  Shrubs
•  Trees


Certain plants have
weak steams and cannot stand upright. They are categorized into two types:

•  The stems of these plants spread/trail on the ground.
•  Stems are long, thin and fragile and cannot stand erect.
•  Examples – water melon, strawberry, pumpkin, sweet potato etc

•  More advanced than creepers.
•  They have thin long and weak stems that cannot stand upright but they can use external support to grow vertically and carry their weight.
•  These types of plants use special structures called tendrils to climb.
•  Examples – pea plant, grapevine, money plant, etc.

Some Other Types Of Plants
•  Small nonflowering green plants.
•  Grow in damp and shady areas.

•  Flowering plants.
•  Short in height.
•  Long narrow leaves.

Aquatic Plants
•  Grow in water only.
•  They are either rooted in mud under water (lotus) or float without any anchorage
     (water hyacinth) other e.g. water lilies, hydrilla & tape grass.

Types of Plants


Parts of Plants


•  The stem is a part of the shoot system. It bears leaves, buds, fruits and flowers. It may be soft or woody.
•  Functions of the stemare:


•  A leaf is an outgrowth of the stem and is flat, thin and usually green incolour.
•  The leaves may be of different shapes- needle shaped, oval, heart shaped, oblong, circular ortapering.


•  The different parts of a leaf are mentionedbelow:


  The primary functions ofleaves:


•  The pattern or arrangement of veins on a leaf is termed as venation.
      There are two basic types of venation:


•  Roots are present below the ground and generally, are not green incolour.
•  They do not bear flowers, fruits orleaves.


•  The first root of a plant is the radicle, which is present within the seed. It gives rise to the
      primary  root from where the plant develops its rootsystem.
•  Depending on its type, a plant develops either a taproot system or a fibrous rootsystem.


  Roots have the followingfunctions:

•  A flower is a reproductive structure found in floweringplants.
•  The structure of flowers may not be the same in allplants.
•  The number of petals, sepals, stamens and pistil may vary from plant toplant.




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