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                                                                                       THE KITE
-by HerryBehn

The poem is about a kite. Almost everyone loves kite-flying, especially when there is a breeze. The poet describes
how the kite looks beautiful in the blue sky when there are no clouds. The poet compares the kite to a ship. As the ship
sways with the wind, the kite, too, depends on it to fly higher. When the wind drops, the string gets loose, and the kite
is pulled back. And again, when the wind blows, the kite soars higher and higher. The kite makes the sky look more beautiful.
Eventually, the string will be cut off. As a result, the kite will drop itself on a tree and would get torn. 


This poem is about a kite as it flies in the sky. A new kite looks very bright on the blue sky. It goes high up in the sky by diving
down and then soars high. Just like the ship moves into the sea using a single sail, a kite rises up into the sky using a single string.


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