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                                                                                     ESSAY WRITING

What is an Essay?

An essay is a piece of writing that revolves around a particular theme and contains the academic opinions of the person writing it.

An essay can perform one or more of the following functions:

•  Analyses and critically evaluates atopic
•  Presents the writer?s argument for or against anidea
•  Describessomething
•  Narrates astory
•  Persuades thereader

Aldous Huxley described essay as „A literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything”.

Characteristics of a Good Essay
•  Brevity: Express what you want concisely. Do not beat around thebush.
•  Coherence: Every sentence and paragraph should flow smoothly and logically from the previous one. A clumsily written essay
   reflects not only the lack of preparation but also the absence of clarity of thought.
•  Unity: The essay should never stray from its main purpose. Different points of view can beintroduced, but they
   should all be used for the samesubject.
•  Lucidity: The essay should be easy to read and understand. Using tough words or difficult phrases may impress a few,
   but can confuse many others. Great writers are praised not only for their beautiful ideas but also for the simplicity of theirlanguage.

Objective of Essay Writing

Essay writing often forms a part of English written exams to test the ability of students to

•  Think critically: Critical thinking involves understanding the task at hand and evaluatingit appropriately.
•  Structure ideas logically: The essay has to be structured and coherent. The ideas have to neatly flow
   from one paragraph to theother.
•  Express views eloquently: The student should be fluent in the language he or she is writing in. Ideas when
   presented shoddily may not make the rightimpact.

Parts of an Essay

•  Introduction: It constitutes the opening paragraph of theessay.
o  It helps the reader get oriented with thetopic.
o  It states the purpose of theessay.
o  It captures the interest of thereader.
o  It presents the general idea of theessay.
o  It often ends with the thesis or the main idea of theessay.

•  Body (Supporting Paragraphs): They constitute the supporting sentences andideas.
o  They provide the reader with additional details about the mainidea.
o  They support the thesis of the writer.
o  There is no fixed number of supportingparagraphs.
o  Ideally, every supporting paragraph should contain a differentidea.

•  Conclusion: It constitutes the ending paragraph(s) of theessay.
o  It ties up loose ends of theparagraph
o  It helps in reiterating or highlighting the mainidea.
o  It summarises all thearguments.
o  It brings the essay to a logicalclose.
o  It never ends in adetail.




  • The proverb is explained and the reader is oriented.
  • The main idea or thesis isstated.


A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

Many of us have the bad habit of procrastinating. We leave for tomorrow what we can do today. A small tear on a garment when left ignored can expand and become a gaping hole. Similarly, small tasks that could be completed promptly can add into a big mountain of responsibilities. The proverb thus implies that the correct measure takenat the right time can help avert bigger troubles.




  • Supports the main idea through an example.


Imagine your exams were due in a month. What would you do? Would you keep procrastinating and leave all the studies for the last week? Or would you immediately start planning your timetable for exam preparations? If you keep procrastinating till the last date, you would be left with a mountain of studies that may become impossible to scale. You may panic and forget everything you have studied. You would be left with no time for revision. Had you started in advance, you may not only have finished your studies but also have had enough time to revise.



  • Supports the main idea through an example.


Similarly, people also have a habit of neglecting small health issues. It may be that they fear visiting the doctor or they are loath to do so. But these small health issues if treated at the right time can be life saving.

Instead, if the issues are neglected, over time they become more serious and life threatening. Diseases like cancer can be treatable if detected at the right time. Ignoring symptoms for a long time can result in dire consequences.


Idea 3

  • Supports the main idea through an example.


Bad behaviour in adults is more egregious than that in children. Some people grow up to be obnoxious and cruel because they were not corrected when they were young. Irresponsible adults never encourage their children to rectify their behaviour. Such children grow up seeing no wrong in their actions. They become flawed human beings because they weren‟tfigurativelygivena„stitch‟intime.


  • The main idea or thesis of the essay is reiterated.
  • The essay is brought to a close.


Therefore,theadage,„Astitchintimesavesnine‟ringstrue.Peoplesuffer when they forget the importance of timely action. Although it may not be advisable to always act in haste, prudent decisions should be taken at the right time to avoid any kind of undesirable consequences.

Types of Essays

Narrative Essay: A narrative essay tells the reader a story or narrates an incident. This type of

The characteristics of narrative essays are
•  They follow a chronologicalorder.
•  They may contain firsthand accounts of thenarrator.
•  They may use first person, second person or third person narrativetechniques.
•  They may contain dialogues or conversations betweencharacters.
•  They use vivid descriptions of scenes, characters and moods in thestory.
•  They can contain elements of suspense of twists in theconclusion.

Sample 1

                                                                                       Lost and Found

   In the summer of 2013, Nakul, Rishab and I went to Misty Valley for our annual summer vacation. There we rented an old
colonial style mansion for our stay. The locals tried to dissuade us by saying that unearthly mishaps have been known to
happen there in the dead of the night. Nevertheless, we still decided to stay there. The mansion was situated atop a
mountain and offered a panoramic view of the entire valley.
  We reached there about 10 pm and caught a sight of the mansion drenched in moonlight. We were greeted at the door by
a strange looking man who was the housekeeper. He and his assistant unloaded our luggage and took us to our rooms. At dinner,
Karamchand, the housekeeper, had a few words for us, “After dinner, kindly retire to your rooms for sleep. I advise you not to loiter around thismansionatnight:itisveryrisky.”IwasfilledwithasenseofcuriosityaboutKaramchand?swords.Rishabsaid,
“Let?sstopdwellingonwhathesaidandquietlygotosleep.”ButIwasn?tconvinced; I wanted to know the reason for the housekeeper?
s warning. My mind was abuzz with thoughts.
   After the two fell asleep, I tiptoed out of my room with a torch in my hand. I saw a huge bookshelf with a big book sticking out.
As soon as I tried to push the book back in the floor beneath my feet opened and I went down a slide kicking and screaming.
I realised that I was stuck in a labyrinth. Huge rats ran past my feet and I was mortally afraid of being lost here forever. I broke into
a sweat when I heard the rattling of chains and the sound of footsteps behind me. I prayed for my dear life and scampered through
the endless maze. Awaiting a dreadful fate, I lay hiding behind some old boxes.
  In the morning, I was amazed to see the faces of my friends staring back at me. I hugged them in happiness since I thought
I would be lost here forever. Nakul said, “Good going champ! We notifiedthepolicewhenwecouldn?tfindyou.
Littledidweknowthatyouwouldhelpthemuncover Karamchand?sillegalliquorden?”Irepliedsheepishly,

Descriptive Essay: A descriptive essay simply describes something to the reader.

The characteristics of descriptive essays are
•  They appeal to one or more of the five senses of the reader—sight, smell, sound, taste andfeel.
o  Sight:„Thelighttravelledthroughthecanopyofleavestobreakintovariousfragments.The flowersinvariouscoloursstoodinfullbloom.?
 Smell: „As soon as you enter her house, you will be greeted by the fresh, warm and savourysmell ofbreadbaking.
o  Sound: „The corridor reverberated with the sound of sharp clicks emanating from the heels of somebody?sshoes.
o  Taste: „As soon as I bit into the exotic-looking fruit, my mouth was flooded with its succulentjuices.
o  Feel: „Tinkerbelle my Persian cat brushed against my face in a rare show of affection. Hersoft,
•  They try to replicate in the reader the emotions or feelings experienced by thewriter.

Sample 2
                                                                           Visit to a Zoo

    One of my fondest childhood memories is visiting the City Zoo with my parents and my siblings. This year, I decided to
relive those days by visiting the zoo. The City Zoo is just half-an- hour away from my house, so I decided to take the bus.
Earlier that day, I had asked Mahesh my friend to come along and he obliged.
We reached there at 10 am and bought two tickets. A big iron gate opened into a wide garden with a cobblestone path.
A deep canal ran alongside the path and we spotted some waterfowl in it enjoying a cool bath on the hot day. After walking for
a while, we came across a small pool with lily pads floating on it. A large frog with a whimsical pattern on its body let out a low croak.
We were momentarily startled but Mahesh and I had a hearty laugh afterwards.

    We reached a large mesh enclosure that housed birds some of whose chattering could be heard at the gates of the zoo.
There were various birds with attractive plumes and distinct voices. Mahesh, who is an amateur ornithologist, shared some
interesting trivia about pelicans with me. After spending some time admiring the birds, we walked further left towards the
large enclosures. Distinct growling sounds emanated from that side, and we immediately knew that we were in the regal
presence of the king of the jungle, the majestic lion. The cage reeked of raw flesh and blood.Remainsoftheking?
ssupperwerestrewnacrossthefloor.Themightykinghadbeen pacing left and right when we saw him. He momentarily looked
at our faces and then continued pacing. To his leftwas the cage of the Bengal tiger who was sprawled across on a lazy bed of hay.
Some hyenas were seen conniving like gossip mongers. Across the cages, on the other side of thepathwastheabodeofthegentlegiants,
theelephants.Onewastrainedto„bless?littlechildren by touching the tops of their heads with its trunk. We promptly stood in line
to receive our blessings.
    We stayed at the zoo for long hours taking home the beautiful memories of the day. I really hope that we could visit the
City Zoo again. Next time, I would persuade my family to come along.

Expository Essay: An expository essay explains an instruction, a process or a method. The purpose of such essays is
to orient the reader with the knowledge the writer wishes to share.

The characteristics of expository essays are
•    They present facts or details in an objective and organisedmanner.
•    They provide information andanalysis.
•    They may use compare and contrastfeatures.
•    They may use the cause and effectmethod.

Sample 3

                                                                            How do Volcanoes Erupt?

Scientifically speaking, a volcano is a rupture on the crust of a planet that becomes a vent for materials such as lava, volcanic ash
and gases. Geographic structures such as volcanoes are connected to a magma chamber that is situated in the bowels of the earth.
They are generally found where tectonic plates converge or diverge. Volcanoes have always inspired human curiosity since they
have the power to destroy civilisations. How do volcanoes erupt? In this essay, we shall learn the detailed procedure of volcanic

The temperature within the earth is extremely high. In such high temperatures, rocks are known to melt slowly. The molten rocks
constitute a hot, thick liquid known as magma. Since it is lighter than the solid rock around it, magma rises and collects inside the
magma chamber. In due course,someofthisliquidpushesitselfoutoftheventsandcracksintheearth?ssurface.The extreme pressure causes
the liquid to exit in spurts. This phenomenon is known as a volcanic eruption.

However, not all eruptions are explosive. Sometimes when the lava is thin, it can flow out of the volcanic vent without any obstructions.
Such eruptions seldom kill people because it moves at such a slow pace that people find enough time to escape. But sometimes when
the magma is not very runny, it cannot flow out easily from the vent. The buildup of gases under the magma causes tremendous pressure
buildup. The gases then burst out of the volcano causing a big eruption. The magma blasts into the air and solidifies into small
particles known as tephra.

Tips for Writing an Essay

•   Read: The more you read, the better you get. Reading essays will give you inspiration to write. Itwill fill you with
    knowledge which you can use to enrich your writing.
•  Write: Practise writing essays. This will give you the necessary confidence that you require during the exams. Writing also
    sharpens your thought process preparing you to deal with essay questions with muchease.

•  Think about the idea given in the title or theprompt.
o  What type of essay will beappropriate?
o  What could be the mainideas?
o  How to write the introduction, the body and theconclusion?
o  Write all theideas.

•  Structure your essay.
o  Create an outline of youressay.
o  Do not use more than two sentences for introduction andconclusion.
o  Plan your essay before instead of writingspontaneously.
o  Arrange the ideas in a chronological order if you are attempting a narrativeessay.
o  Arrange them in the increasing order of importance while attempting a descriptive or anexpository essay.
o  Remember to conclude theessay.

•  Use a consistent tense form while writing theessay.

o  Expressclearly.
o  Beoriginalinyourideas.Don?tbeafraidtothinkoutofthebox.
o  Use your own memories or your experiences to add to theessay.
o  Recheck for any grammatical errors after having written theparagraph.


Narrative Essays

Sample 4

                                                                                      A Morning Adventure

  I decided to take my dog Bowwow for a walk one cold December morning. An enthusiastic pup, he always looked forward to
morning walks. I once found him in a gutter injured and famished. Being overwhelmed by his condition, I decided to bring him home.
My parents and my elder brother were not very happy about the prospects of keeping a pet. I was allowed to keep the pup only under
one condition—if I agreed to take its full responsibility. Three months down the line, things are looking up for Bowwow and me;
we found in each other a friendship that is true and a love that is unconditional.

   Every day, we take a few rounds around the garden. Sometimes, I let Bowwow off the leash and let him go wherever he wants.
With me following him closely, there were no chances of him wandering off. He would have a great time socialising with the other
dogs who accompany their masters to the park. Sometimes the two of us would race each other to the main gate and back.

  The unthinkable happened on that cold December morning. I had let Bowwow off the leash as he explored the garden full of bushes,
trees and fresh blossoms intrepidly. I was always two steps behind lest I lose him somewhere. Suddenly the annoying secretary of our
housing society Mr. Sharma appeared out of nowhere. He was on his morning walk too. He called out to me from the other side of thegarden,
“OhSaurabh!Tellyourfathertocallme.It?surgent!”Iturnedaroundtofacehimforfive seconds and when I turned back Bowwow was gone.
I could feel my heart beating inside my chest.
   Here is a tiny pup, weak and helpless, lost in this big maze of trees and bushes. Some older feral dogs are known to attack the tiny ones.

   I searched high and low pressing his favourite squeaky toy with the expectation that he would respond to the sound. But there were no
signs of the pup. Heartbroken, I headed back home to get some help. When I reached the door steps I saw my furry friend waiting for me.
Bowwow had somehowsniffedhiswaybackhome.Istilldon?tknowhowhedisappearedunder,butIwasveryhappyto see himagain!

Sample 5

                                                                                    A Close Shave with Death

     Mycousin?sweddingwastobeheldinaresortinMatheranlastyear.Thewholefamilyhad been planning the trip for a long time. I was the
least bit enthused since I found family gatherings rather boring. My family consists of boastful aunts and uncles who are obsessed
with one upping each other and cousins who only talk about academics. I had a reputation of being negligent towards my studies
mainly because I devoted a lot of my time towards sports and extracurricular activities. As you may have already guessed,
I was treated like a nincompoop.

   When the day of the trip arrived, my relatives decided to book a big van to the hill station. It was the month of July and the rains were
lashing in full force. The route to the hill station was tortuous and dangerous, but my family insisted on taking the van. I read in the papers
that the infamous route, Snake Pass, had been claiming lives every monsoon since the drivers find it very difficult to negotiate these sharp
curves. I presented to my relatives the concerns about travelling by road in the monsoons. I suggested we take the train instead as it may
be safer. As expected, my suggestions were shot down.

    I would like to believe that an unknown force was at work that day and it was on my side. The van driver who was supposed to take
us to our destination cancelled due to some health problems. No other driver was available that day and the bus reservations were full.
We were left with the only option of travelling by train which was my original suggestion. Left with no options, the elders had to book
train tickets to the hill station.

      The journey was pleasant, thanks to the weather outside. My grumbling relatives were now singing and snacking their way to the destination.
We reached within two hours which came as a surprise to my relatives. The road journey may have taken 6 hours in the slow moving traffic.
Next day, pre-wedding functions were in full swing when someone brought us the morning papers. On the front page was a news article that read,
„FIVE ACCIDENTS IN A SINGLE DAY: THE CURSE OF THE SNAKEPASS?.Apparently,thekillerroadhadcausedfiveaccidentsonthedayweweresupposedto
have travelled by the van.

   I accomplished two things that day: One, we cheated death by taking the train instead of a van. Two, my relatives no longer treat me like
a nincompoop anymore. They realised that despite my age and my lack of bookish knowledge, I can think more sensibly than they do.

Descriptive Essays

Sample 6

                                                                                      A Circus Show

     Lastmonth,„TheGreatIndianCircus?cametotown.Theyvisitmyhometownonceinfiveyears and always put up a wonderful show for
the townsfolk. This time too, it had managed to attract a large crowd. Hundreds of people, young and old, thronged the grounds trying
to get tickets to the show. I was never fascinated by circuses since I was born to the era of easy entertainment. Spoilt for choice by the
electronic media, I and millions of other children like me would resort to the television, the computer or thesmartphoneforamusement.
MymotherinsistedontakingmetothecircussinceIhadn?tseenone all my life. I had heard about agile men and women performing
death-defying stunts, animals who follow orders from ring masters and clowns who leave the audience in splits with theirantics.

     So we decided to visit the circus on Sunday. After having purchased the tickets, Mom and I headed towards the circus tent to take our
seats. The tent was humungous, colourful and brightly lit. Inside, there was a round arena that was decked up with whimsical lights.
The audience sat on the seats arranged around the arena. The show started at 7 pm sharp. A pageant of performers and animals welcomed
the guests with fanfare. A group of gymnasts began with a trapeze show. The girls and boys with lithe bodies swung from bars and ropes
exhibiting their gymnastic prowess.

    Amanonamotorcycleperformedadeath-defyingstuntcalledthe„GlobeofDeath?.Herodehismotorcycle inside a huge mesh ball vertically
and horizontally. The feats lasted for an hour and then the cyclists appeared on the stage. They performed various feats and left the

   Theringmasterbroughthistrainedlionforthedaring„RingofFire?feat.Onbeinginstructedby the ringmaster, the lion jumped through a series
of concentric rings that were set ablaze. The elephant amused the audience by kicking a large football into a goalpost. Later, it even
played cricket by striking the balls thrown to it by the clowns.

    I went in as a person indifferent to the circus and came out as someone who was thoroughly impressedwiththecircus.Icouldn?
thelpbutmarvelattheskillsexhibitedbytheperformers—human and animal. I thanked my mother for having taken me to the circus.

Sample 7

                                                                                    My Friend Dr Patil

    Dr Patil was my best friend. His wife, a woman with a permanent scowl on her face believed that we made strange companions,
me a preschooler and he a retired college principal. Our friendship was stranger than fiction. No one in the world could fathom
what a 4 year old and asixty-five year old had in common. But truth be told, he, Patil Uncle as I called him, was the truest friend
I ever had.

    Dr Patil was an elderly man with a heart that refused to age. Highly learned with multiple degrees and doctorates, he was the principal
of a reputed college in the city. Many former students would throng his house on Gurupurnima and Teachers Day to seek his blessings.
He would sit with them for hours regaling them and giving them his good counsel. Mr Patil had a beautiful soul that would draw the
young and the old towards him.

    He had a slight frame and with a slightly protruding belly formed out a habit of slouching against the desk. His countenance resembled
a meditative Buddha we see in paintings. His favourite garb was a white vest and a matching pair of pyjamas. He was swarthy and his grey
hair grew sparsely on his pate. His daily staple was a glassful of apple juice and the Charminar brand cigarette which he smoked secretly
away from the prying eyes of his wife.

    In the winter of his life, he found unlikely friends, me and an orange cat named Mani. Mani was a permanent fixture at his house often
dozing off at his feet. My day started with a breakfast of milk, apples and a dry bhakri with him. My mother recounts that I refused to eat
unless he fed me the first morsel. From his huge treasure trove of books, he picked stories to read out to me. He used to narrate cautionary
tales of young boys and girls who disobeyed their parents. Each time I refused to eat my food or take my medicines, he would bribe me
with sweetmeats and toys.

    Mani the cat was not particularly fond of me. Maybe he thought I was taking Uncle away from him. Uncle taught me that animals were not
like humans; they do not respond to kind words and greetings. Only the pure of heart can win the trust of animals. So he asked me to be patient
and let the cat come round to me. Eventually Mani did. He taught me the importance of being nice to everyone and laid the foundations for my
morals and virtues.

    When he passed away in his sleep, I was 9 years old. Back then, I was too young to realise the extent of my loss. I have made many friends
since then, but none could come close to the near-perfect relationship that I shared with my mentor, teacher and guide.

Expository Essays

Sample 8

                                                                                     The Importance of Having a Reading Habit

    One may have wondered, “Is reading really that important?” Many students are averse to reading mainly because they find it boring compared
to the other means of passing time. It requiresconcentration,itistimeconsuminganditrequirestheuseofone?sbrain.Whytoread when there are video
games to be played, movies to be watched and music to be listened to.

    Reading is one of the most important cognitive skills that we can benefit from all our lives.
It is a skill without which human beings cannot function in modern day society. The bane of boredom has pushed many to neglect developing their
reading skills from a very young age. Proponents of alternative styles of learning may speak in favour of practical education and disregard inculcating
reading ability in students. There is nothing more appalling than that. Let us explore the various benefits of having a healthy reading habit.

   Reading helps sharpen the intellect. We indulge in physical exercises to keep our bodies healthy. Reading is the perfect exercise for the mind. Our brain,
like our body, can get atrophied if it does not receive proper stimulation. When we read, the brain works hard to help you register the word and understand
its meaning. The process enriches our understanding of the language and improves our communication skills. Everyone loves to speak but seldom does
anyone want to listen. Listening is an important skill just like reading, and they both employ the same skill, focus. Readers learn to focus on the message
conveyed by the writer. This in turn can improve their listening skills.

   Reading enriches us with knowledge. We learn new things about the world around us through reading newspapers and magazines. We are introduced
to different schools of thoughts and philosophies that help us shape our opinions. It also helps us relay our views to others thus facilitating an exchange
of ideas. Today, information is easily accessible thanks to the Internet boom. Therefore, anybody who has a penchant for reading has an edge over the others.

   Reading helps us amuse ourselves by fuelling our imagination. Reading a fantasy novel like„TheLordoftheRings?helpsuscreateworldsandcharactersinsideourminds.
Ithelpsusin developing our creativity. Even to do mundane things in life we require reading skills. Imagine not being able to read the dosage for some medication or
being unable to read instructions from a cookbook. Imagine taking too long to read and understand a Math problem. Everything requires good reading skills.
We can therefore conclude that the importance of developing a healthy reading habit cannot be understated.

Sample 9

                                                                                  To Live on the Moon

    Many space experts have pondered about the possibilities of living in outer space. The safest and the most viable option for most is the moon.
The idea of building a lunar outpost has tickled the imagination of space explorers for years. This has caused scientists to actually study what
it would be like to live on the moon.
    In 1959, the Russians photographed the moon for the first time. Ten years later, NASA landed theApollo11onthemoon?
ssurfacewiththreeastronautsforthefirsttimeinhumanhistory.Thoughthe idea of living on the moon seems like a romantic one,
the data collected through the exploration concludes otherwise.
     A single lunar day is equal to two weeks on Earth. The daytime temperature is a hellish 123 degree Celsius and the nighttime temperature,
a frigid minus 387 degrees. It is impossible to live under such conditions without any extra aid. It is common knowledge that the moon has
no atmosphere and its surface is nothing but a big vacuum. Living without space suits would be impossible on the moon.
    Buildingclimate-controlleddomesonthemoon?ssurfacecouldbeonewayofcircumventingthe problem. The surface under these domes could
be supplied with artificially created atmosphere that is saturated with all the gases humans need for survival.
    Lowgravityposesanotherproblemoflivingonthemoon?ssurface.Itisverydifficulttowalkonthe lunarsurfacewhosegravitationalpullisonlyone
-sixthoftheEarth?s.Wemayfindourselvestripping andfallingtryingtoadjusttothelowgravity.Theonlywayofmovingonthemoon?ssurfaceisby
hopping or bouncing.


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