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5.Coding & Decoding

5.1    Introduction

5.1    Introduction
    In this test letters, words or numbers are given which do not show their own real value but some other values. For example,

  ‘Tiger is coded as Cat’, while tiger can never be compared to Cat in real value. Thus, it implies that they show imaginary values.

   Thus the given example that ‘Tiger is a Cat’ is an imaginary value. These imaginary values are said to be coded values and the

   process is called coding. This coding is generally based on some particular rule. Candidates are required to find out that rule and

   convert the coding into correct language or to convert the coding into corect language or to convert the correct language into coding.

   This is called ‘Decoding’.
    How can these questions be solved in less time ? For this each candidate should take care of following points-
    The coding of each letter of the word in the question is done by writing the corresponding letter for that particular letter from reverse order. 
    How has the coded word has been written, by subtracting or adding some particular number of letters for a letter in that word.
    This is possible when the imaginary value and the given value for a word is matched.
    The above facts can be made clear by the following examples-


Example 1. 
    If PERILOUS is written as RGTKNQWU in code language then how will OLYMPIC be written in that language ?
    (A) QNOAKRE    (B) QONARKE    
    Answer with explanation (C) 
    Thus, here it is clear that in each letter of the word PERILOUS, 2-2 letters are added and the code word is obtained. Therefore,

     we will apply the same rule in the word OLYMPIC to write the code word.
Example 2. 
    If ‘MENTAL’ is written as ‘NVMGZO’ in a certain code language then how will ‘SILVER’ be written in the same code language ?
    (A) HROEVI        (B) HORVEI        (C) GROVEI        (D) GOREVI
    (E) None of these
    Solution (A) 
    Reverse letter for M is N, for E it is V, for N it is M, for T it is G, for A it is Z and for L it is O. this is the rule applies in the word ‘MENTAL’.

   Thus, the code word for ‘SILVER’ is obtained by applying the same rule.
Example 3. 
    If in a certain code ‘MASTER’ is written as ‘SAMRET’ then how will ‘CARROT’ be written in the same code ?
    (A) ARMOTR        (B) RCATRO        (C) RACTOR        (D) None of these
    Answer with explanation (D)  
    In the same way, 
    But this answer is not in any alternative.

Example 4. 
    If in a certain code ‘MANISH’ is written as ‘NZMRHS’, then how will ‘RANJITA’ be written in the same code ?
    (A) IZMQRGZ        (B) IZMPRGZ        (C) IZMQRHZ        (D) IZMQRIZ
    Answer with explanation (A)
Example 5. 
    If in a certain code ‘CANDLE’ is written as ‘FDQGOH’, then how will ‘MINUTE’  be written in the same code ?
    Answer with explanation (D) 
Example 6. 
    If in a certain code ‘ Kit Mit Fit’ means ‘I an laborious’; ‘Zit Rit Kit’ means ‘Laborious is dangerous’ and ‘Sil Fis Kit’

    means ‘Dangerous very troublous’ then which word in that code represents ‘Is’ ?
    (A) Kit             (B) Zit            (C) Rit             (D) None of these

Example 7. 
    In a certain code ‘345’ means ‘Veera is gentle’, ‘579’ means ‘Veera Kind Hearted’ and 126 means ‘Kanchan also good’

   then which digit in that code represents ‘Gentle’ ? 
    (A) 3            (B) 4            (C) 5            (D) Cannot be decided
    Answer with explanation (D) 
    Now, in (i) there are two digits and two words left. Now it is very difficult to decide which digits  is used for ‘Gentle’.
Example 8. 
    If ‘Cloud’ is coded as ‘Rain’, ‘Rain’ is coded as ‘Tree’, ‘Tree’ is coded as ‘Axe’, ‘Axe’ is coded as ‘House’ and ‘House’

   is coded as ‘Mason’ then from which wood is obtained ?
    (A) Tree        (B) Rain         (C) Axe         (D) None of these
    Answer with explanation (C) 
    Wood is obtained from tree and tree is coded as ‘Axe’. Hence, wood is obtained from ‘Axe’.


1.    If ‘DEAR’ is coded as ‘FGCT’, then how will ‘READ’ be coded as-
    (A) TGCF          (B) FGCF         (C) TSFC          (D) TCGF

2.    If ‘THRASH’ is coded as ‘UGSZTG’, then how will ‘HEAD’ be coded ?    
    (A) IECD         (B) GDZC        (C) IDBC        (D) GDBC

3.    If ‘SWAMINATHAN’ is coded as ‘NAHTANIMAWS’,    then how will ‘SIRNAME’ be coded ?
    (A) EMAMSIR        (B) EMARNIS         (C) EMNARIS         (D) EMANRIS

4.    If ‘TOMB’ is coded as ‘MBOR’, then how will ‘GOAL’ be coded ?
     (A) ALOG         (B) ALOE        (C) LOAG        (D) EALO

5.    If ‘CAMERA’ is coded as ‘CMRCMR’ then how will ‘CHAPRA’ be coded ?
      (A) CARCAR        (B) CARHPA        (C) HPACAR        (D) RACRAC

6.    If ‘DAILY’ is coded as ‘XKHZC’ then how will ‘FERTILE’ be coded ?

7.    If ‘MANAGER’  is coded as ‘QPLPTOB’ then how will ‘RANGE’ be coded ?
    (A) BPLTO        (B) BPQTO        (C) BPTQO        (D) BLTPO

8.    If ‘GOAL’ is coded as ‘HPBM’ AND ‘FROCK’ is coded as ‘GSPTL’ then how will ‘LOFAR’ be coded ?        
     (A) MPGZO        (B) MNEBS        (C) MPGBS         (D) MPEBR

9.    If ‘CHAMBER’ is coded as ‘XSZNYVI’ then how will ‘wlfyov’ be coded ?
    (A) DOVBLE         (B) DOUCLF        (C) DLUBOE        (D) DOUBLE 

10.    If ‘TORCH’ is coded as ‘SXILG’, then how will ‘MANUAL’ be coded ?
    (A) OBFMZN        (B) OZEOZN        (C) OZFMZN        (D) NZFMZK

11.    If the code of ‘PARK’ is ‘5394’ code for ‘SHIRT’ is ‘17698’ and code for ‘PANDIT’ is ‘532068’, then what will be the code for ‘NISHAR’ ?
    (A) 266734        (B) 231954        (C) 201739        (D) 261739

12.    If ‘INSURE’ is coded as , then how will ‘PATRIOT’ be coded ?
    (A)         (B) 7129962        (C)         (D) 

13.    If ‘SLAUTER’  is coded as , then how will ‘PVERTY’  be coded ?
    (A) 7645927        (B)         (C)         (D) 

14.    If ‘MARE’ is coded as ‘NESI’  and ‘LOVER’ as ‘MUWIS’ then how will ‘ABOVE’  be coded ?
     (A) BCPWF        (B) ECUWI        (C) EZUTI        (D) ZCNWD

15.    If ‘TAME’ is coded as ‘SULA’  and ‘NIDUS’ as ‘MACOR’ then how will ‘EMOTIONS’ be coded ?
    (A) ALISEIMR        (B) DLNSHNMR    (C) ALISEIOR        (D) ANIUEIOT

16.  If code for ‘FUNTASTIC’ IS  and for ‘JUNGLE’ is , then how will ‘CONJUGATE’ be coded ?
        (A)        (B)     (C) 365137125        (D) 

17.    If ‘PEN’ is coded as ‘TREE’, ‘TREE’ AS ‘ROAD-ROUTE’, ‘ROAD-ROUTE’ as ‘SKY’, ‘SKY’ as ‘RAIL-ROUTE’ and ‘RAIL-ROUTE’ as ‘POLLUTION’ then where does ‘AEROPLANE’ fly     ? 

18.    If ‘MAULVI’ is coded as ‘PUJARI’, ‘PUJARI’ as ‘SENIK’ as ‘BEGGAR’, ‘BEGGAR’ as ‘RANGKARMI’, ‘RANGKARMI’ as ‘SCIENTIST’ and ‘SCIENTIST’ as ‘THIEF’ then safety of the country should be given to whom ?
    (A) SENIK        (B) BEGGAR         (C) RANGKARMI    (D) SCIENTIST

19.    If ‘BEAR’ is coded as ‘FISH’, ‘FISH’ as ‘CROW’, ‘CROW’ as ‘DOG’ ‘DOG’ as ‘ELEPHANT’ and ‘ELEPHANT’ as ‘ASS’, then who can not remain alive in other place then water ?
    (A) FISH         (B) ELEPHANT    (C) DOG         (D) CROW

20.    If ‘Library’ is coded as ‘Court’, ‘Court’, ‘Court’ as ‘College’, ‘College’ as ‘Gymnasium’, ‘Gymanasium’ as ‘Chamber’ ‘Chamber’ as ‘Cinema hall’ and ‘Cinemahall’ as ‘Hospital’, then where will the cases of the people be decided ?    
    (A) College         (B) Court         (C) Gymnasium         (D) Chamber

21.    ‘Vehicle’ is coded as ‘Book’, ‘Book’ as ‘Flower’, ‘Flower’ as ‘Sweet’ ‘Sweet’ as ‘House, ‘House’ as ‘Mental Hospital’ and ‘Mental Hospital’ as ‘Temple’, then where is treasure of huge amount of knowledge hidden ?    
    (A) Book         (B) Sweet        (C) Vehicle         (D) Flower

22.    If in a cetain code ‘123’ means ‘I am servant’, ‘279’ means ‘Servant always merciful’ and ‘684’ means ‘Poverty a curce’, then which digit is used for ‘Merciful’ ?    
    (A) 2            (B) 7            (C) 9            (D) Date inadequate 

23.    If in a cetain code ‘493’ means ‘Friendship difficult challenge’ , ‘961’, means, ‘Struggle difficult Exam., and ‘178’ means ‘Exam believable subject’, then which digit is used for ‘believable’ ?
    (A) 7 or 8        (B) 7 or 9        (C) 8            (D) 8 ro 1 

24.    If in a cetain code ‘157’ means ‘Mother always affectionate’, ‘619’ means ‘Always fortunate future’a and ‘952’ means, ‘Mother very fortunate’ then which digit is used for ‘future’ ?
    (A) 9            (B) 6            (C) Data inadequate     (D) 1

25.    If in a certain code ‘268’ means ‘Equality and prosperity’, ‘839’ means ‘prosperity nasty position’ and ‘361’ means ‘Equality respected position’, then for which word the digit ‘2’ is used ?    
    (A) Respected         (B) And         (C) Prosperity         (D) Equality

26.    If in a certain code ‘235’ means ‘Sincerity is Strange’, ‘417’ means ‘Seeing very difficult’ and ‘268’ means ‘Sincerity thought imitable’ then for which wourd the digit ‘6’ is used ?
    (A) Sincerity or thought     (B) Sincerity         (C) Thought or imitable     (D) Thought

27.    If in a certain code ‘Sin Min Kin’ means ‘Wild animal dangerous’, ‘Min Kin Pit’ means ‘A pet animal’ and ‘Kin Pin Pit’ means ‘Pet and wild’ then which is used for ‘Ken’ ?
    (A) Pet            (B) Animal         (C) A             (D) And 

28.    If in a cetain code ‘Sil Fin Kiel’ means ‘Money a disturbance’, ‘Tin Sil Fis’ means ‘Disturbance hidden misfortune’ and ‘Kiel teep Ne’ means ‘A unknown passenger’, then which word is used for ‘teep’ ?
    (A) Passenger         (B) Unknown         (C) A             (D) Data inadequate

29.    If in a certain code ‘Ti Me Ka’ means ‘Letter love place’ ‘Se Ti Na’ means ‘Love without mercy’ and Na Ke Tum’ means ‘hate opposite mercy’ then which word is used for ‘without’ ?
    (A) Se             (B) Na             (C) Ti             (D) Me 

30.   If in a certain code ‘Su Ki Ta’ means ‘Fruits best diet’, Ta Te Sha’ means ‘Change in diet’ and ‘Ne Pa Su’ means ‘Best traditional history’ then which word is used for ‘Sha’ ?
     (A) Diet or in         (B) Change or in     (C) Change         (D) Diet 

31.    If in a certain code ‘Pen den Sen’ means ‘Happily successful life’, ‘Sen Ken Men’ means ‘Successful Hard Secret’ and ‘Men Pen Chen’ means ‘Secret happily fact’ then which word is used for ‘Chen’ ?
     (A) Secret         (B) Happily         (C) Fact         (D) Hard

32.    If in a secret code ‘64391’ is written as ‘73482’ then how will ‘218759’ be coded ?
    (A) 329860        (B) 309688        (C) 127840        (D) 309668

33.    If in a certain code ‘24631’ is written as ‘GREAT’ and ‘5897’ as ‘MONK’ then how will ‘84712’ be coded?
    (A) OGKAE        (B) ORKTG        (C) ORATG        (D) OGRTK

34.    In a certain code language ‘CYLINDER’ is written as ‘UHGQGJWA’, how will ‘HYDROGEN’ be written in that code ?

35.    If in a cetain code ‘BEAUTY’ is written as ‘TUBYAE’ then how will ‘NAKPIT’ be written in the same code ?
    (A) ITPKAN        (B) IPNTKA        (C) IPKNTA        (D) IPNTAK

36.    In in a cetain code language ‘PINTU’ is written as ‘80’ then how will ‘PRIYA’ be written in the same code ?
    (A) 79            (B) 69            (C) 89            (D) 59

37.    If in a certain code ‘RAM’ is written as ‘6’, then how will ‘GOD’ be written in the same code ?
    (A) -4            (B) 14            (C) 26            (D) 59

38.    If in a cetain code ‘BAT’ is written as ‘40’ then how will ‘APE’ be written in the same code ?
    (A) 80            (B) 70            (C) 100            (D) 120

39.    If in a certain code ‘ZOOM’ is written as ‘13’, then how will ‘PUSA’ be written in the same code ?  

         (A) 15            (B) 16            (C) 13            (D) 18

40.    If in a certain code ‘RATLAM’ is written as ‘2’, then how will ‘PADMINI’ be written in the same code ?
    (A) 4            (B) 3            (C) 5            (D) 6
    Directions - Read the following statements carefully and them answer the questions 41 and 42. 
    In a certain code ‘Ten Men Ken Sen’, means ‘He believes in God’, ‘Men Fen Sen’ means ‘God believes  optimist’, ‘Men

   Ten Zen’ means ‘He believes Friendship’ and ‘Fen Ben Hen’ means, ‘Optimist always happiness’.

41.    For which word, it is difficule the code ?
    (A) God         (B Optimist         (C) Happiness        (D) In 
    (E) None of these

42.    What is the code for ‘optimist believes Friendship’ ?
    (A) Date inadequate     (B) Fen Men Ten     (C) Fen Men Zen     (D) None of these
    Directions - Read the following statements carefully and then answer the questions 43 and 44.
    In a certain code ‘ Ku Fe Te Pa’ means ‘He is eating now’, ‘Te Sa Ku’ means ‘Eating is necessary’, ‘Pa No Ti’ means

   ‘He was serious’ and ‘Ti Te Re’ means ‘Is work was’.

43.    Which of the following word is definitely coded ?
    (A) Eating         (B) He             (C) Necessary         (D) Is 
    (E) All of these

44.    For which of the following the code ‘Re No Ku’ is used ?
    (A) Serious eating work                 (B) Work serious eating 
    (C) Data enadequate                 (D) None of these

    Directions- Read the following statements carefully and answer the questions from 45 to 46.
    (i) ‘735’ means ‘you are dear’
    (ii) ‘682’ means ‘cleanliness very fine’
    (iii) ‘251’ means ‘you fine politician’

45.    Which digit is used for ‘you’ ?
    (A) 3            (B) 1            (C) 2            (D) 5
    (E) Data inadequate

46.    Which one of the statements given above is not necessary to answer the question 45.
    (A) Only III        (B) Only I        (C) Only II and III    (D) Only I and III
    (E) None of these

Answer with explanation  
1.    (A) As, 
2.    (C) As, 

7.    (A) M A N A G E R  Q P L P TO B 
    On comparing we get M = Q, A = P, N = L, G = T, E = O and R = B 
        RANGE = BPLTO


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