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                                                                           PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND LEADERSHIP TRAINING
Leadership Training

Leadership is a social quality and the art of guiding and motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal. 
It is the quality which enables the person to take initiative and guide others in performing some required task. A good leader
raises the group to new heights.

●   Academically Sound: He must be well qualified with good command and should have good experience to lead the group.

●   Good Personality: Leader should have an attractive personality. He must be fit and healthy along with good perfection in the activity.

●   Good moral character: Leader must possess moral values with good character.

●   Intelligent: Leaders should be intelligent and creative. He must think logically with abstract thinking to solve the problem.

●   Self-Discipline: Leader should be self-disciplined, punctual, polite, patient, and tolerant.

●   Determined: A leader should be fully determined to work and have firm decision-making capability.

●   Inculcate Friendship: Leader should encourage cooperation, team spirit, brotherhood.

●   Skillful: Leader must be fully skilled for better communication and understanding 
●   Loyal: Leader must be loyal to his group and do the sincere effort for the progress of the group 

●   Impartial: leadership should be impartial and unbiased towards his followers.

     Role of A Leader

●   Group Representative: Leader is a representative of the group. He represents the group in various delegations, occasions and meetings

●   Provide a Vision: Leader must provide a vision to his group so that everybody in his group can put a common effort to achieve the goal.

●   Effective Role Model: Leader must demonstrate the behaviour which is desired from the rest of the members of the team. Inspire and Motivate.

●   Delegate: Good leaders should surround themselves with the right people in the right jobs.

●   Time Management: An effective leader includes effective time management for all.
●   Improves Coordination: Leader improves the coordination of the group, which encourage the collective group effort.

●   Develops Socialization: A leader should develop social qualities among his team members.

●   Decision-maker: A leader needs to be decisive and make hard choices. He should not be afraid to make a decision, Influencer. A leader must
      constantly be positively influencing others.

●   Team player: Leader should not always take the lead. He needs to be a teammate, sometimes he let others take the lead.

●   Listener: Good leaders talk less, and ask, listen, and observe more.

     Creating Leaders Through Physical Education

     To create and develop a good leader following points should be considered.

●   Responsibility for conducting event: Student leader or captain should be given Independent responsibility to conduct the sports program.

●   Given authority: A student leader or captain should be given authority to decide the conduct of sports program 

●   Guidance to the leader: The teacher should be the guide of the leader and give tips for better control of the group
●   Assigning duties: Student leaders should be assigned duties such as ground and equipment management, discipline and control of teams,
      collection of funds, instruction to group, team selection, etc. 

●   Recognition and Honour to leaders: Leaders should be given recognition and honoured in public. 

●   Special consideration: Leader should be given special consideration in sports programs and praised for their work in public or group 

●   Technical tips: Leaders should be given special and Technical tips for improvement of their leadership abilities.

     Adventure Sports

     Adventure sports are also known as extreme sports. These sports are usually outdoor sports, undertaken in all three medium Land, Water and Air. 
     In these activities, a high degree of risk is involved because most of the activities involve intense and life-threatening actions. 
     These adventure activities require highly specialised gear because these activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion.


●   Develop self-confidence: One can develop self-confidence by overcoming the fear and experiencing the thrill.

●   Information about the area: Person can get new information about the area and its topography.

●   Increase the concentration level: In adventure sports, a person has to be very alert and attentive all the time,
     which develops his concentration level. 

●   Organisational Skills: Adventure Sports develop organisation skills of a person.

●   Developmental and physical fitness: These sports demand high levels of physical involvement, which make them
      mentally strong and physically fit. 

●   Encourage Tourism: It increases the tourism of that area where these sports are organised.

●   Improve social relations: Participants of adventure sports develop many qualities like sympathy, cooperation, helpfulness,
      adjustment, group cohesion,unity, sincerity, patience, fraternity. 

●   Improve the bonding with Nature: Since adventure sports are mostly outdoor activities, which provides enough opportunities to experience nature.
     Rock Climbing

     Rock climbing is an activity in which participants climb up or across a natural rock formation. The goal is to reach the Summit or top of the
     formation.It tests the climber’s strength, endurance, agility, balance along with mental toughness.

♦ Trekking

     Trekking is a long adventurous journey, which is undertaken on foot, in areas where common means of transport are generally not available.
     Trekkers should use natural resources and consider safety principles. It is mainly done to have an interaction with nature.

♦  River Rafting

     River rafting is a challenging recreational outdoor activity using a boat or raft to navigate over the flow of the river.

     This is usually done over the fast-flowing river or stream to provide thrill and excitement to Rafter. It is also known as white water rafting.

 ♦  Mountaineering

     Mountaineering is climbing up or scaling the steep slopes of a mountainside in hope of reaching the summit or top.
     Mountaineering requires a lot of experience, athletic ability, high altitude training, technical knowledge to maintain safety.

♦  Surfing

     Surfing is a water Sports in which the surfer’s surf on the moving wave balancing the surfing board. The waves usually
     carry the surfer near the shore.

     The waves suitable for serving are primarily found in oceans, lake and sea in the form of a standing wave or Tidal bore

♦   Paragliding

      Paragliding is a thrilling Adventure Sports, where people fly with a paraglider. A paraglider is a lightweight free-flying foot-launched glider aircraft
      where the pilot sits in a harness below the fabric wing.

♦   Safety Measures During Adventure Sports
●   Good planning: Proper plan and schedule should be made, considering all the factors
●   Approval: Take approval from the concerned authorities.
●   Aim of activity: The aim and objectives should be made clear and specified to all participants
●   Good Leader: The group leader should have relevant qualification and experience to lead the adventure activities
●   Using safety gadgets: Participants should carry proper safety gears, equipment, and tools.
●   Sufficient training: Adventure team should be well trained to use equipment and tool.
●   Dealing emergency: Participants should be given the training to deal with emergencies
●   Team effort: Group should work as a team and help each other
●   Adjustment ability: Participants should possess a high level of adjustment ability in all odd conditions.


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